Friday, August 08, 2008

SWAT Team Runs Amok, AGAIN!

Here's one of my favorite news story that constantly bubbles up year after year: a local SWAT team goes completely bezerk and raids the wrong house, they don't knock, masked armed men kick the doors in, shoot and kill the household pets for sport, and then for hours afterwards they rip the residence to pieces while threatening the innocent inhabitants with death. After a few hours of this, the SWAT team realizes they've made a horrible mistake. No apologies are given, police department is promptly sued for millions of dollars.

In this case, at the end of July, it was the Prince George County Sheriff, headed by Micheal Jackson, that completely lost it -- raiding the home of the Mayor of Berwyn Heights, MD. These cops actually thought that Mayor Cheye Calvo would be part of a illicit marijuana delivery ring. Amazing what you'll convince yourself of when you have all the equipment, and you're just itching to bust some doors down and kick some ass in the so-called "War on Drugs". So in the PM, about 30 pounds of grass is delivered by undercover cops to the door of Cheye Calvo, addressed to his wife. The authorities have been tracking this package since it was mailed from Arizona. Mr. Calvo isn't there, so his mother tells the "delivery" person to put the package on the doorstep. When the mayor does get home, he takes the package in, because he thinks it is bathroom fixtures.

He goes upstairs to change for an event, his mother is in the kitchen making artichokes when she screams because there are masked armed men swarming through the yard. The door is kicked in and the black labrador retriever next to the Mayor's mom is gunned down. A second black lab is shot repeatedly in the back as it flees from the SWAT team. At gunpoint, Cheye is handcuffed in his underwear and socks -- his mother is handcuffed and forced to lay on the kitchen floor next to a bleeding dead animal with bits of dog tissue all over the place.

Way to go, guys! The FBI is opening an investigation, for violating the Mayor's civil rights. I hope they fire the whole SWAT team, prosecute they fools that shot the dogs, and Prince George County Sheriff, Micheal Jackson.



Blogger Temaskian said...


5:37 PM  

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